March 27


Posted by pbouwens | Posted in News from Mrs. Bouwens | Posted on March 27, 2020

Going forward the blog will be to give parents news updates as it pertains to school. The students will get news and things to do in our Bouwens’ Google Classroom (previously our Writing Google Classroom)

I put our history chapters in this class too. So, all the information for the students will be in one place, Bouwens’ Google Classroom.

Please have the students check their Gmail accounts to see when I add new information to our Google Classroom. I left them a note today. On Monday, there will be a document posted with things for them to work on for about 30 minutes, each day for a week. This is not mandatory. It’s for you and your child to use as you see fit.

Please email me with any questions. Stay safe!

Missing “my” kids!!!!  Remembering  the  fun  we  had!  Hoping  there’s  more  to  come!!!

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