April 27


Posted by pbouwens | Posted in News from Mrs. Bouwens | Posted on April 26, 2020

So, this week’s assignments are a little different. Our weekly sheet will offer both, math and ELA Monday through Thursday. Friday will remain science and history. Each day there will be about 60 minutes of learning suggestions for the students.

To help the children I will have a Q and A Zoom tomorrow at 11:00. If your child is all set with the new weekly work sheet they do not need to join this one. We will have another Zoom on Thursday for social interaction. (=

This link is for Monday’s Zoom. I also sent the students an email with the link.


I hope you are all hanging in there. I miss the students so much! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help your family. I hope you have a blessed week!

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