News from the Alward Office


Posted by pbouwens | Posted in Mrs. Walcot | Posted on January 19, 2020

A few friendly reminders regarding sick children.

We have had many sick kids these past two weeks.  We have seen the following illnesses being reported:

  1. Common Cold
  2. Fevers of 100-104:  Sign that body is fighting germs
  3. Strep
  4. Influenza – Diagnosed and reported to Health Department
  5. Stomach Virus

We have to be a team to keep these kids healthy and limit the spreading of germs.  To do this, please abide by the following:

  1.  DO NOT send your child to school until s/he is fever free for 24 hours.  This means fever free with no motrin/tylenol to mask the fever. If your child has as fever, s/he is fighting a virus and is contagious.
  2. If we call you to tell you that your child has a fever, we need you to pick up your child.  We will not send your child back to the classroom to spread the virus. S/he will be in the health room until someone arrives.  It’s not fun for a child to be in the health room feeling yucky and waiting a long time.
  3. If your child has thrown up or has had diarrhea, DO NOT send them to school until they are 24 hours free of this.  PLEASE. If they throw up or have diarrhea at school, we will call you and tell you to keep them home until s/he is 24 hours free of the symptoms — without medication to suppress the symptoms.

The school setting is one in which viruses have ample opportunity to spread.  We do our best by cleaning regularly — and removing kids who are sick from the classroom space.

Please help us to keep your child healthy and all the other children healthy.  Thank you for your help as we work together to keep our school a healthy place!

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